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An Invisible, Miraculous Transformation - Body Changes in the First Trimester of Your Pregnancy

Julie Bos

An Invisible, Miraculous Transformation

Body Changes in the First Trimester of Your Pregnancy

You’re pregnant!

And although you may not look it yet, there’s a lot that changes in your body as your baby begins to develop. A surge in pregnancy hormones is preparing your body to house and provide for your unborn child for the next nine months, which means you could be in for an unpleasant 13 weeks of early pregnancy symptoms (hopefully not). However, remember that these temporary discomforts are part of the miraculous process of growing a child!

Here’s everything you need to know about how your body changes in the first trimester.

How long is the first trimester? Welcome to the first three months of growing your child! The first trimester lasts from week 1 to the end of week 13 of your pregnancy.

You (or your healthcare practitioner) can calculate your due date by adding 40 weeks to the first day of your last menstrual period. Keep in mind, your due date may change depending on how regular your cycle is; and only about 60% of babies are born on their due date – so be flexible!

Changes to Expect

Hormonal and Emotional Changes

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, more commonly known as HCG, is the pregnancy hormone that begins to increase after conception. It’s what your pregnancy test detects to indicate your pregnancy.

Estrogen and progesterone levels also fluctuate, causing you to feel excited, nervous or moody, or may even cause early physical symptoms in those first few weeks. It’s natural to begin to worry about your body, parenting, and your baby’s health, but take this time to care for yourself and turn to loved ones for encouragement.

Physical Changes

The most common physical change in the first trimester is, unfortunately, morning sickness. With all those hormone levels fluctuating to prepare your womb, it may cause you to feel nauseous.

Did you know? Morning sickness doesn’t just strike in the mornings. Starting around six weeks of pregnancy, you may feel sick to your stomach at any time during the day. If it’s severe, eat smaller meals, sip ginger tea, and talk to your doctor.

Since it may be difficult to keep food down, don’t worry too much about your weight gain (or lack thereof). For now, just focus on eating light, nutritious foods because (good news!) you don’t need extra calories during your first trimester.

Want to learn more about early pregnancy symptoms? Click Here to Read More!

Remember, during the first trimester your baby is still very small and you may not yet see a baby bump forming in your lower abdomen. It may take several weeks before you begin to “show.” If it’s your first pregnancy, you may not even see a visible baby bump until your second trimester.

Your First Trimester Checklist In the first few weeks of your pregnancy, with a flood of hormones, emotions, and a few early physical changes, it may feel like you’re simply surviving. But add these things to your first-trimester checklist to keep you and your baby on track for a positive and healthy pregnancy:

· Choose your practitioner and book your first appointment.

· Confirm your pregnancy with an ultrasound.

· Eat right – aim for small, frequent meals if you feel nauseous.

· Start taking prenatal vitamins.

· Announce your pregnancy to family and friends.

At LivingWell, we believe in honoring your body and your baby through the course of pregnancy and beyond. Come in for a free women’s wellness checkup, pregnancy test, and first ultrasound.


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