Considering Parenting in Orange County, CA
When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, one of your options is to parent your child. Becoming a new parent can be one of the most exciting times of your life. It can also be very stressful. But with planning and preparation, you can become a successful parent!
Some things to consider about parenting:
Parenting can be a very rewarding experience.
Being a parent requires responsibility.
You will need to provide shelter, food, clothing, medical care, protection, and love.
You must have a source of income, either from a job or from government assistance.
You will need to sacrifice time and some of your personal interests for your child.
Successful parents are willing to learn throughout their child’s life.

We're here to help!
At LivingWell, we can help you determine your next steps as you prepare to parent your child. With compassionate and experienced care, we will help you address the challenges in your personal situation and work with you to create a plan.
If you have questions about what it takes to parent or prepare for a new baby, make an appointment today. We also offer free classes throughout the year to equip you for parenting and other areas of life.
We are located at 2010 N. Tustin Street, Suite C, Orange, CA 92855.