Considering Adoption in Orange County, CA
Adoption is another way to provide your child the security and resources to grow into a happy and successful person. Adoption means legally transferring parenting responsibilities from birth parents to adoptive parents.
Benefits for the Birth Mother:
Adoption offers you...
The opportunity to provide a secure and loving family for your baby.
The chance to move forward and fulfill your lifelong dreams.
Financial assistance during the pregnancy, as needed.
Housing assistance, as needed.
A counseling and support network.
The option to choose a family for your child.
The freedom to meet the adoptive family, if you desire. This is called an open adoption.
Coverage for all legal expenses and attorney fees.
Peace of mind that your baby will be with a loving family that will provide many opportunities for his or her life.
Benefits for the Child:
Adoption offers your child...
An adoptive family that is financially and emotionally prepared to care for him or her.
Adoptive parents, who usually devote more time and resources to their children and are usually very involved in school and cultural activities.
The greater chance of a good education and career advancement.
Good healthcare and a supportive network.

Common Questions About Adoption
How can adoption be a good choice for my baby and me?
If you don’t think you are ready to be a parent, you can still give your baby the gift of life by choosing adoption.
Can I choose the family for my baby?
Yes! Most agencies have many adoptive couples who have been studied and approved. You might also want to choose a friend or someone who has been recommended to you.
How much contact can I have with my baby after the birth and after adoption?
You can spend as much time with your baby at the hospital as you choose. When you are planning your child’s adoption, you can choose an open adoption plan that allows ongoing visits, or you can choose a less open adoption that keeps you informed through letters and photos. If you prefer not to have any contact, you can also choose confidential adoption.
How soon after birth can my baby go to the parents I choose?
The timing of your child’s placement depends on your preference, legal aspects, and the role of the birth father. Many mothers want their baby placed with the adoptive family directly from the hospital, while others may choose interim care while they consider their adoption decision.
How much will my child know about me?
Regardless of the type of adoption plan, you will want to provide a thorough social and medical history for your child. If you develop an adoption plan that includes ongoing contact, your child will know about you directly.
Does the child’s birth father have any rights?
Both you and the child’s birth father have rights. If you disagree about adoption or if you no longer have a relationship with the birth father, your agency will work with him and/or the courts to determine his rights.
Can my child find me if he or she wants to search someday?
Searching may only be necessary if there has not been ongoing contact. The law in your state determines when and how your child may access the information in the adoption file, which your caseworker can explain.
How can I be sure that my child will be well cared for?
There are standards that every prospective adoptive family must meet which are set by both the agency and the state where they live. Families are thoroughly assessed before being approved for adoption, and a caseworker will make visits to the adoptive family after placement to ensure your child’s well-being.
Do I need an attorney, or do I pay my agency to assist me with the adoption?
In many states, you will not need an attorney, and most agencies provide services to you at no cost. If you do need an attorney, usually those costs are paid by the adoptive family.
Can I get help with the medical and living expenses while making an adoption plan?
Assistance with medical and living expenses is available through many agencies. Check with your caseworker for details.

We're here to help!
At LivingWell, we can help you determine your next steps if you choose adoption for your child. With compassionate and experienced care, we will help you address the challenges in your personal situation and work with you to create a plan. We can also connect you with local adoption agencies and attorneys.
If you have questions about adoption, make an appointment today!
We are located at 2010 N. Tustin Street, Suite C, Orange, CA 92855.